Get Involved! Let Us Build A New Global World Economy For All Humanity.

Participate in our Global World mission and help us continue creating a better and a new world for the children and youth in Urban and Rural communities around the world.

Global World Economy

We  the Global World Citizens firmly believe that, For Poverty and inequality to truly end on Planet Earth, then humanity must strive to build a new open Global World Economy for all humanity based on the foundations of fair and equal share and wealth equality. We are on a mission to help create and build that global world economy for all Global World Citizens.

We believe in the powers of Music, Arts, film, sports and I.C.T for true change in the world.

- Global World Citizens

We are Global World Citizens on Planet Earth working together in unity to find true solutions to some of the many global challenges, problems and issues which affects us all. Poverty still remains our top enemy. Our organization seeks to help create and build strategic global programs which will help eradicate extreme poverty in this 21st century.

Global World Citizens Volunteers

Join Us in Our Global Mission...

We are all Global World Citizens. We are all part of Humanity and the human race. Only we can  make this Planet better for us. Only we as a people ‘Human Beings”, can find true solutions for some of the many problems we face on Planet Earth.

Volunteering Experience

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Our Mission

We are on a mission to help build and create a new Global World Economy where the children and youth are empowered with the right knowledge, skills, tools and resources for change and success. 

person playing guitar




Film making



We Are All Global World Citizens

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What We have Achieved...

Since 2015, The Global World Citizens have been organizing Music, sports and Art events in many disadvantaged communities in Urban and rural communities across Africa.


We the Global World Citizens are on a mission to educate and empower children and youth in low – income and disadvantaged communities through the powers of Music, Arts, Sports, Film, and I.C.T.


Since we live on one Planet, under one sky, breathe and feed from the same source then we are one. We are all Global World Citizens…